A young orphan named James has to live with his cruel aunts. One day, James is given a bag of magic that is supposed to make his life marvelous. But by accident, James drops his bag under a peach tree, which creates a giant peach. James enters the peach and begins a series of unusual and exciting adventures.

  • In which book does the main character carry a magical bag?

  • In which book is there a glow-worm?

  • In which book is an earthworm in the sea?

  • In which book does the main character have two horrible aunts?

  • In which book is there a ship called Queen Mary?

  • In which book is a boy given magic crystals?

  • In what book does a group of seagulls carry a group of creatures over the Atlantic Ocean in one night?

  • In what book does a boy believe he can get a group of seagulls to rescue them from a school of sharks?

  • In what book do a spider and a silkworm contribute to a rescue at sea?

  • In what book does a predator not eat his prey because of the shape of his nose?

  • In what book did the main character’s parents get eaten by a rhinoceros?

  • In what book is a brave blind earthworm willing to be used to lure birds closer?

  • In what book was a boy afraid that giant bugs would eat him?

  • In what book is the main character James Henry Trotter?

  • In what book do Cloud-men make hailstones?

  • In what book did the main character live with two mean aunts?

  • In what book did a fruit taste even better than earwigs cooked in slime?

  • In what book did 502 seagulls save a group from hungry sharks?

  • Who is the author of James and the Giant Peach? (Roald Dahl)

  • In what book did a boy’s idea save the entire group from attacking sharks?

  • In what book does the story begin in London and end in New York City?

  • In what book did a tumble down a huge hill lead to a journey across the ocean?

  • In what book does a grasshopper become a concert musician?

  • In what book does one character have 21 pairs of shoes?